Organizing and facilitating all types of events, camps, symposiums, Erasmus+ youth exchanges, and training courses and all types of informal educational training.
Non-formal education
Our organisation believes that the most important education a person can get that is the non-formal one. During our activities the participants develop themselves in a very high intensity- personally and professionally
Being an active citizen; being able to support your community, to make your surroundings better; to improve the life of your neighbourhood, town, country or even EU is a great tool not only to improve the lives of others, but to fulfil with meaning and improve your own as well
Erasmus+ Activities
The Erasmus+ field, in all of its spheres- is our favorite type of experience. We believe that every person who has experienced Erasmus+ has attended a life changing event which has greatly benefited their lives.
Soft skills Development
Nowadays there is a new set of skills which are the most highly needed ones - and these are the Soft Skills. Our participants learn how to be great leaders, excellent communicators, active citizens, experienced community builders and so much more thanks to the fact that we tailor made our activities in order for them to be as developing the soft skills of our participants, as possible
Youth participation
Engagement in social issues is not reserved just for the same people, who are in position of power for ages- we believe that is quite the contrary- the future of the EU should be directed by its youth and that is what we are working forward to successfully achieve. Youth is the one that should be empowered and equipped with knowledge on how to engage in the various decision-making processes.