Look at my skill, not at my skin 2.0
Since the first version of the project resulted in a huge sucess and a game changer for the participants. The idea for a second edition of the project came when our participants shared that they would like to experience the more upgraded version of the project where they can communicate with decision-makers on the European Level, create a crossroad that will impact with its message to the locals from Sliven, and learn more in-depth how Roma youngsters can equally participate in education, employment, decision-making, and the unforgettable journey called Erasmus+
Check this video made by our dedicated volunteers about the elections of European Parlament
Here are other videos from the volunteers
"Look at my skill not at my skin" offered volunteers a rich and immersive experience in Brussels, exploring significant cultural and political institutions. The History of European Museum provided deep insights into the continent's past, while the European Parlamentarium offered an engaging look at the workings of the EU Parliament and the election process. These experiences collectively aimed to promote a better understanding of European history, governance, and the importance of active citizenship.
Our visit to the "Museum of the european history"
There is a considerable lack of opportunities for development, equal employability, youth participation, Erasmus+, and traveling for the Romani youngsters in Sliven, Bulgaria. That is why the project aims: -To support the participants in being able to address and articulate in front of decision-makers the challenges they face and to start a change -To fight against prejudice and discrimination and at the same time aim at equal treatment, education, employability, and opportunities for the Roma youngsters -To fulfill the needs of our target group, introducing the participants on a deeper level in youth participation and showing them how to follow their passions are among the biggest objectives of the project -To have a positive impact on the participation and inclusion of Roma young people in Bulgaria and in Europe